You may have learned in science at school that the human eye can see at least 1,000,000 different colours, although estimates vary. (if you think that is amazing, would it interest you to know that the Mantis Shrimp has 6 times the number of cones in their eyes, therefore they can see 10 times the number of colours!!)

If you refer to the 12-point colour wheel based around the triad of Magenta, Yellow and Blue (Cyan) , there are just 12 hue ranges (but million-ish colour variations that can come out of this range of hues.) The spectrum just blends from one into the next, and pigments, although

eg. These 20 colours shown here below are variations of saturated, de-saturated, tinted and rich greys of the tertiary hue yellow-green. There are so many more possibilities in terms of variations in the colour of the hue yellow-green.

There are other alternative ‘theories’ of colour that revolve around 6 primaries. The 6 primary system or theory model is explained under the pretext that no true primaries exist, so they teach that there are two primary reds (one is orange-red and one violet-red) and the same for yellow and blue.(there is a warm and cool primary of each). 

In the triadic theory model, these so-called cool and warm primaries are called tertiaries because they can be made by adding some secondary to a primary. Your FIRST CHALLENGE is finding and purchasing a magenta, yellow and blue (cyan) pigment in your medium that has a minimal bias of either neighbour. 

Go through these sections one by one , using the image links in this Colour Master Index