Artists have used a range of devices to express a certain mood, feeling or ambience within their artwork throughout art history. None more dramatic than the device of tonal value.

eg. Format - eg. Vertical = emphatic, spiritual , Horizontal: restful, expansive

or Color Palette - Planning purposeful and cohesive colour schemes, under-painting to give contrast in temperature; using a key colour throughout helps to homogenize.

COLOUR – muted or subdued (shaded) colours are elegant, subdued, sombre, mysterious

BRIGHT COLOURS - cheerful, aggressive, passionate, dynamic, wild. Compare the emotional impact when Cangiante was employed (eg. Michaelangelo Buonarrot,i for creation of shades, compared to the use of chiaroscuro. Black was mixed into hues to darken them strikingly, giving a heavier, more dramatic effect.

DEEP SHADOW- eg,chiascurro >>> drama, seriousness,tragedy

Tips for setting a mood, including the creative use of tonal values and contrast

° Varying the values of included hues is highly influential in how the harmony impacts the viewer.

° Lost & soft edges create interest.

° Is it part of the shadow mass or the light mass? Minor variations in temperature or value can add interest or define form but harmony is best served when light masses are connected or similarly, shadow masses are held together and lead the eye well.

° Consistent handling of shapes can maintain a calm mood

° Strong tonal contrast and other forms of contrast can catch a viewers attention and create drama, specifically at the focal point.

Go through these sections one by one, using the image links in this Value, Light and Shade Master Index