Light and Shade 1


Draw this circle and two lines behind twice, try hatching on one

and shading/ blending(with blending stump) on the second one.

Draw two rectangles to fit on an A4 page.

Use this image as a guide and note in your drawing the highlight, halftone, form shadow, reflected light and cast shadow


Practice more shading with your blending stump and 2 b, to try out the various gradients in this grid.

Draw up a rectangular grid, 3 x 6, like this one in your cartridge pad and try to create each example of a shaded gradient

2. b) Draw up a 4 x 6 rectangular grid, then draw some simple intersecting curved lines.

Here I just doodled in some letters to illustrate how I shaded in different directions against both drawings, the grid and the line drawing. You could draw an object or animal over a grid, and the grid does not need to be regular like this simple illustration.

Your shaded gradients in this exercise will give a result that will remind you a little bit of the early cubist works. (use your battery-operated eraser to clean up edges where needed). Portrait of Picasso but Jean Gris, 1912.

Go through these sections one by one, using the image links in this Value, Light and Shade Master Index