A vital part of the painting process with effective use of values is learning exactly how to mix colours effectively, from saturated hues through to neutral tones and chromatic shadow colours. This involves a deeper understanding of pigments, their mixing partners and how to darken and lighten colours chromatically. 

Port Art Publications have a great text and workbook made precisely for colour mastery:  

Artists’ Workbook for Color Mixing, Wheels and Harmony (you can also order on Amazon locally)

QR codes, lead you to the online extras, where some videos and more printable templates are available. From colour strings to colour wheels to harmonious colour schemes, you will be guided to a deep understanding of the relationships of colours and also of the dimensions of colour ie. hue, saturation and value.

I see only forms that are lit up and forms that are not. There is only light and shadow.

Francisco Goya 

Go through these sections one by one, using the image links in this Value, Light and Shade Master Index