proportions overlay
* Observe the five divisions across with one eye-width in between and one on either side.
* Note the eyes at about halfway (5 out of 10 vertical divisions)
* Base of the nose is about 2 divisions (2 tenths) under the eyes
* The ears are on average between the top of ear level down to the base of nose level.
* One variation in Tom Cruise (to the standard egg head) is that his eyebrows are much lower than the standard one division above the eyes, more common in men and as we get older.
* If his mouth was shut, the bottom of his top lip would be about on the division under the nose, the chin crease one under that and the bottom of the egg shape at the last tenth line
* using the (Loomis) circle+ method, there is roughly an even space between the hairline, the base of the nose and bottom of the face.
NB. I did not choose that face because I think it is a perfect example of facial proportions. On the contrary, his eyes are very close to his eyebrows and his two front teeth are not central (and he did ok didn’t he?)