drawing the neck and jaw
There are a few important things to remember when trying to get familiar with the neck and how it relates to the chin and the jaw.
Familiarise yourself with the neck anatomy, in particular the sternocleidomastoid muscles, where they start and finish etc, as they are two important surface definers, especially in tilting and turning positions. Also, note the position of the clavicles.
* The neck is not a pair of sticks, rising like two parallel lines from the shoulders, take care to observe the angles and curves of the neck you are drawing
* Male and female necks tend to differ substantially, particularly in how much muscular definition there is.
Female necks are smoother and more delicate as a general rule. Then there is the dead give-away…the Adam's apple, an obvious sign of a male neck.(although a a woman can have this, but it is not common).
The “Adam's apple” is the bump or protruding part on the front of many men's throats. It is actually the cartilage that lays in the front of your larynx (or voice box). Everyone has this cartilage, but it's not always visible. The medical term for Adam's apple is “laryngeal prominence.”
Draw these necks below for practice.